News/Events in the 2015/2016 Academic Year

2015/2016 Scholarship Recipients at Events and Meetings

Kegs Foundation Awardees and Directors at 2016 KEGS Breakfast (March 8, Toronto)

KEGS Breakfast March 2016

Front (L to R): Sara McPeak, Michael Cunningham & Ray Caron (Carleton), and Jean Legault (Director)

Rear (L to R): Jerry Roth (Chair), Johnson Ha (UofT), Laurie Reed (Director) and Stephen Reford (Vice Chair)

Foundation Awardees and Directors at 2016 KEGS Symposium (March 5, Toronto)


Front (L to R): Sara McPeak (Carleton); Jennifer Adam (UNB); Peter Oliver (Carleton); Ray Caron (Carleton); Jean Legault (Director), Michael Cunningham (Carleton)

Rear (L to R): Beatriz Lombeida (Memorial); Kyle Harris (Carleton); Wesley Campbell (Waterloo); Laurie Reed (Director); Stephen Reford (Vice-Chair); Derek Kouhi (Western)

Presentations of 2015/16 Foundation scholarships

YongXing Li (PhD Laurentian) with Prof. Richard Smith and Desmond Rainsford

YongXing Li (PhD Laurentian) with Prof. Richard Smith and Desmond Rainsford.

Anastasia Smolina from McMaster University

Anastasia Smolina, 2nd year undergrad, McMaster at Special Lecture by Vince Gerrie, DGI, Jan. 20.

Anastasia Smolina from McMaster University

(L to R) Derek Kouhi, Wajahat Ali and Hadis Alinia from UWO with Chris Nind, KEGS President & Special Lecturer, Jan 21.

Sean Bettac from University of Alberta with Special Lecturer Garnet Wood

Sean Bettac from the University of Alberta with Garnet Dawson, Chief Geophysicist, Cameco and Special Lecturer, Jan 20.

Sean Bettac from University of Alberta with Special Lecturer Garnet Wood

Rob Ritchie from the University of Alberta with Garnet Dawson, Chief Geophysicist, Cameco and Special Lecturer, Jan 20.

Jennifer Adam, 4th year undergrad at UNB, receiving award from Prof. Karl Butler (wearing MaxMin Tx and Rx, respectively)

Jennifer Adam, 4th year undergrad at UNB, receiving award from Prof. Karl Butler (wearing MaxMin Tx and Rx, respectively).

UofT scholarship recipients participating in Dec 8 student presentation event

UofT scholarship recipients participating in Dec 8 student presentation event. UofT students (L to R) Erica Veglio (Don Salt) and, Dong Shi, Qi Zhao & Johnson Ha (KEGS Foundation) with Directors Laurie Reed (L) and Jean Legault (R).

Scholarship presentation and Special Lecture at Laval University Nov 13 with salute to Edwin Gaucher

Scholarship presentation and Special Lecture at Laval University Nov 13 with salute to Edwin Gaucher. Participants and colleagues: (L to R): Prof. Michel Chouteau, (École Polytechnique, presenter), Prof Christin Dupuis (LavalU), Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé (Laval, KF scholarship recipient), Circé Malo-Lalande (Genl Mgr., GDD), Prof. Richard Fortier (LavalU), Edwin Gaucher (Retd GDD Pres and honouree), Regis Desbiens (GDD), Simon Tshambalanga (Consultant), Pierre Gaucher (GDD), Profl Bernard Giroux (INRS), and Abdurezzak Bouchedda, Véronique Buzaglou, Shiva Tindad and Linda Nzumotcha (INRS).

Gustavo Avendano, 4th year undergrad at UBC, with Foundation Director Peter Kowalczyk

Gustavo Avendano, 4th year undergrad at UBC and BCGS Scholarship recipient, with Peter Kowalczyk, Foundation Director.

Sara McPeak (MSc, Carleton), receiving award from Luise Sander, Pres. SGL and Foundation Director. at KEGS-Ottawa meeting, Nov 17.

Sara McPeak (MSc, Carleton), receiving award from Luise Sander, Pres. SGL and Foundation Director. at KEGS-Ottawa meeting, Nov 17.

Michael Cunningham (MSc, Carleton) receiving renewal of CGG scholarship from Adam Shales, CGG, at KEGS-Ottawa meeting

Michael Cunningham (MSc, Carleton) receiving renewal of CGG scholarship from Adam Shales, CGG, at KEGS-Ottawa meeting, Nov 17.

Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé (MSc, Laval U) receiving award from Prof. Michel Chouteau, Ecole Polytechnique at KEGSF Special Lecture, Nov 12.

Pierrick Lamontagne-Hallé (MSc, Laval U) receiving award from Prof. Michel Chouteau, Ecole Polytechnique at KEGSF Special Lecture, Nov 12.

Beatriz Lombeida, 4th yr undergrad at Memoial, with Special Lecturer Ted Urbancic, at St. John's event, Nov 6

Beatriz Lombeida, 4th yr undergrad at Memorial, with Special Lecturer Ted Urbancic, at St. John's event, Nov 6.

UVic students Matthew Griffiths (L), BCGS Scholarship recipient, and Collin Paul (R), KEGS Pioneers Scholarship recipient, at Nov 3 Special Lecture event with presenter and Foundation Director Peter Kowalczyk.

UVic students Matthew Griffiths (L), BCGS Scholarship recipient, and Collin Paul (R), KEGS Pioneers Scholarship recipient, at Nov 3 Special Lecture event with presenter and Foundation Director Peter Kowalczyk.

Presentation of scholarship awards to Queens' students Zac Sala (4th year) and Judith Elliott (MSc candidate) at inaugural meeting of KEGS-Kingston Oct 29, 2015,  with presenter Bruce McMonnies, Sr. Geophysicist, Lamontagne Geophysics and former KEGS President.

Presentation of scholarship awards to Queens' students Zac Sala (4th year) and Judith Elliott (MSc candidate) at inaugural meeting of KEGS-Kingston Oct 29, 2015, with presenter Bruce McMonnies, Sr. Geophysicist, Lamontagne Geophysics and former KEGS President.

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